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  • storage:属于状态变量,数据会存储在链上,仅适用于所有引用类型:string,bytes,数组,结构体,mapping等;
  • memory:仅存储在内存中,供函数使用,数据不上链,适用于所有类型,包括:

    • 值类型(int,bool,bytes8等)
    • 引用类型(string,bytes,数组,结构体,mapping)
  • calldata:存储函数的参数的位置,是只读的(只有calldata支持数组切片,状态变量不可以直接使用切片,需要new新数组,然后使用for循环解决)
  • 其他:Solidity 变量中 memory 、calldata 2 个表示作用非常类似,都是函数内部临时变量,它们最大的区别就是 calldata 是不可修改的,在某些只读的情况比较省 Gas.
  • 局部变量(此处指引用类型)默认是Storage类型的,只能将使用storage类型赋值,不能使用memory类型来赋值。
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract DataLocations {
    uint[] public arr = [1, 2, 3];
    mapping(uint => address) public map;
    struct MyStruct {
        uint foo;
    mapping(uint => MyStruct) public myStructs;

    function test() public {
        // get a struct from a mapping
        MyStruct storage myStruct = myStructs[1];

        // create a struct in memory
        MyStruct memory myMemStruct = MyStruct(0);

        // call _f with state variables
        _f(arr, map, myStruct);

        //invalid convertion, failed to call
        // _f(arr, map, myMemStruct); 


    function _f(
        uint[] storage _arr,
        mapping(uint => address) storage _map,
        MyStruct storage _myStruct
    ) internal {
        // do something with storage variables
        _map[20] = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4; = 20;

    // You can return memory variables
    function _g(uint[] memory _arr) public returns (uint[] memory) {
        // do something with memory array
        _arr[0] = 100;

    function _h(uint[] calldata _arr) external {
        // do something with calldata array
        // calldata is read-only
        // _arr[2] = 200;


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity =0.8.10;

import "hardhat/console.sol";

contract Test{

    constructor() {
        personArrayGlobal.push(Person("Lily", 20, true));
        personArrayGlobal.push(Person("James", 30, false));

    struct Person {
        string name;
        uint256 age;
        bool married;

    Person[] public personArrayGlobal;

    // remix: [["Lily", 20, true]]
    function changeTestMemory(Person[] memory _psersonArray) public {
        Person memory pTmp = _psersonArray[0];

        // error, 不能基于memory对象创建storage对象
        // Person storage pTmp = _psersonArray[0];

        console.log(;             // David memory
        console.log(_psersonArray[0].name); // David memory,居然改变了!虽然在memory中,但是实际上也是传递的指针

        uint256 tmpInt = 200;
        console.log(tmpInt);                // 200,指类型的变量,总是直接复制一份

    function _innerChangeInt(uint _newValue) internal pure {
        _newValue = 100;

    function _innerChangeMemory(Person memory _p) internal pure { = "David memory";
        _p.age = 30;
        _p.married = false;

    function _innerChangeStorage(Person storage _p) internal { = "David Storage";
        _p.age = 30;
        _p.married = false;

    // run before changeTestGlobalWithStorage
    function changeTestGlobalWithMemory() public {
        Person memory pTmp = personArrayGlobal[0];


        // error,memory 不能赋值给storage
        // _innerChangeStorage(pTmp);

        console.log(; // David memory,memory中的变量改变了
        console.log(personArrayGlobal[0].name); // Lily,原storage中数据未改变

    // run after changeTestGlobalWithMemory
    function changeTestGlobalWithStorage() public {
        Person storage pTmp = personArrayGlobal[0];

        // storage 赋值给memory,完全拷贝
        console.log(; // Lily
        console.log(personArrayGlobal[0].name); // Lily

        // storage 赋值给storage,指针传递

        console.log(; // David
        console.log(personArrayGlobal[0].name); // David

最后更新 2023-09-04
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